Friday, May 15, 2009

Actual peterhouse cambridge introductory excerpt

Well the first peterhouse cambridge introductory excerpt was quite dull to say the least, well i couldn't post anything i'd actually put in my introduction because the deadline had not passed and by putting my true introduction up it could be plagiarised. Now the deadlines passed i can give you a taster....

" Capitalism as an economic system is now used by most of the world; it has suffered crises in the past like the great depression of the early 1930s however the current crisis in capitalism does not prove that Marx was correct as capitalism is still surviving and remains dominant. While Marxism and its socialist/communist offshoots first appeared on the international scene after the Bolshevik revolution of 1917, spread across the world and then met its first crisis in the 1980s and consequently crumbled. Hence it is clear that capitalism is a much more resilient economic ideology. Marxism and its calls for “revolutionary struggle” have led to oppressive dictatorships of the proletariat in which, in addition to the lack of economic freedom, political freedom has vanished. The ineptitude of the Marxist economic ideology and the repression of its political form have resulted in many countries flocking to western capitalism and liberal democracy. Contrary to the beliefs of Marx it seems evident to many political economists like Francis Fukuyama and many others that “the universalization of Western liberal democracy” has come “as the final form of human government”. "